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Thursday 8 March 2012

How To Make Your Boss Happy

*Based on personal experience*

I've been working for nearly two years now since I've finished my university internship in 2010. Currently I am working in a private company, the same company from my internship. I won't deny that I've had that time where I really wanted to impress my boss, to show that I have that quality as an employee. Here is what I think that might help you on how to impress your boss & make them HAPPY =)

1. Work Fast  
Yes! You have to work fast. It shows your commitment and dedication. If you don't understand, ask your boss till you understand his/her instructions. If you experience complications, do ask you colleagues because they might have experienced the same problems before.
If by the end of the day you are not able to complete your tasks, tell your boss that you will continue doing it tomorrow. Leaving the office without telling the current status of your tasks will leave your boss thinking that the tasks were done with no complications.

2. Think 
As I am working in a creative design industry, my boss frequently says this to me "Be more creative!". What I can say here is whatever industries you're working in, always work with the brain. Think wisely in problem solving. Give suggestions in meetings or discussions.

3. Improve 
You must improve your knowledge & skills. The world is moving fast. Don't stay in one place forever. Do research regarding your skills, surf the net or take extra classes to gain more knowledge. Practice!

4. Out of the ordinary 
Even though you're doing fine in your work, make a surprise once in a while. Don't stay in that comfort zone. Do something out of the ordinary. Something that your boss never thought you're capable of doing. Something beneficial of course. With all the efforts you have done to improve yourself, show them! You'll never know how a compliment from a boss can really boost your confidence and put a smile on your face for the whole day.

Here are just some simple tips. Hope it helps. Mine sharing yours? =)


  1. Dah cuba. tp susah nak impress bos2 ni. Anw, thank u for sharing :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sabar..biasa la tu. Bos kan biasanya crewet, mau kerja smua yang terbaik. Buat relax ja kalau kena mara, jgn simpan dlm hati. Yg penting suda buat terbaik =)


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