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Thursday 5 April 2012

Megi saves the world by NaniScribbles!

Good morning lovelies =)

I came across a funny post in one of my favourite blog NaniScribbles! which I would like to share here. I'll credited her for this 'cause the content is originally hers. Visit her blog if you have time, you'll be amused =)

Oh by the way, she is a teacher and very good in English. She post mostly about her life experience & thoughts.

‘Teacher, is it true that the world is going to end this year?’ he asked.  Indian and highly inquisitive. I guess 2012 is still a scary set of number for some people. Then I turned to him to offer him the best answer I could come up with – nobody knows when the world is going to end, we will do our very best to be really good people as long as we live. But someone else did a better a job before I could do mine. The boy next to him. He was wise. Way beyond his age. 
‘Wei, megi aku pun expire 2013 kot. Lek ah.’ (Translation: Hey, my maggi probably expired in 2013 too. So relax.)
And laughter was everywhere. 
Was I stunned? 
You bet. 
Yeah. I really love my job. 
Oh. They’re 13-year-old kids. Biologically protected by the honesty gene. And innocence. 
Looks like the world will last another year thanks to megi. 
Hehe. How are you guys doing?

* Megi = Maggi. 
* Maggi is a Nestlé brand of instant soups, stocks, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasonings
   and instant noodles.

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